We are very excited to let everyone know that after a Covid19-induced pause, we are renewing our macromolecular crystallographic school “South-East Asian Crystallographic Overview And Systematic Training” (SEA COAST), organized jointly by King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi (KMUTT), and CCP4.
SEA COAST 2024 will cover the fundamental concepts of macromolecular X-ray crystallography and all aspects of protein structure solution process from crystallization to structure refinement and deposition to PDB, as well as lectures on Cryo EM and Neutron diffraction. It will feature most of the modern crystallographic software programs presented by software developers.
A big part of the school will be dedicated to hands-on sessions where the participants will work on their own data and structures with the guidance of world’s renowned experts.
A new addition to the SEA COAST 2024 is the opportunity to collect crystallographic data at Diamond Light Source (UK).